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Every day against the abuses of power and its injustices.

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When political and economic power coincide, the interests of a few prevail over the good of people and the planet. For this reason we challenge governments, multinationals and financial institutions responsible for violations and abuses and we work in solidarity with those local communities who fight to defend their rights and their territories.

Investigating, denouncing, unveiling, bringing those responsible to court, asking questions at shareholders’ meetings – this is our daily commitment to the social movements with whom we work.

If our challenge is also yours, give voice to our campaigns of denunciation. We do our best but we need your support. Every contribution counts, support our freedom, which is also yours.

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La nostra sfida è anche la tua.

Noi crediamo che le persone e il pianeta vengano prima del profitto.
Le società attuali si basano al contrario sullo sfruttamento del territorio e il conseguente impoverimento delle persone; questo avviene spesso in contesti di corruzione sistemica, attività economiche losche, quando non esplicitamente illecite.

Re:Common agisce per porre fine all’impunità delle aziende e dei governi, poiché la corruzione è dannosa per ciascuno di noi.

Sostieni la nostra campagna #Blockfossilsout